Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Hungry like the wolf

So I had my annual health screening at work, and receigrd some amazing results. Ive really only been working at healthy living for about 3 months, and in that time I got both my cholesterol & triglycerides down to a normal level along with my blood fitness level skyrocketed, and im kicking butt, taking names.
It's not as traumatic as it once was thought to be. I'm still eating wonderful food, I like working out, and I'm truly happy. I've got some doubters in my life, who are just waiting for me to slip up and then tell me I told you so. However, I know who they are &I'm working on the deal with that.
31  days till my 5k.
I can do this.


Deborah said...

5k! ... GOOD LUCK :O)

Sheilagh Lee said...

Sheilagh Lee said good for you that's hard work bravo!