Friday, May 13, 2011

Long Lost Child

I am a foster parent. I say it loud and proud.

I became a foster parent because I love children. I sometimes think that God gave me infertility as a gift, because it allowed me to mother other people’s children. Literally. Its not glamorous. Its not sexy.

Its about holding a scared little person, who has seen things that would scare grown ups.

Its about reassuring them that they are loved, despite what they have experienced to the contrary. Its about just being there.

I became a foster parent because I want to make the world a better place, and where better to start than with children. Its not their faults that they were born into a family that was incapable of caring for them (not necessarily not caring about them). Its heartbreaking to me to see women consistently make bad choices that affect their little kiddos on so many different levels. Sometimes its poverty that makes it difficult to be a parent, sometimes its being a slave to addiction.

I have rocked little souls to sleep at night. I have read them bedtime stories, prayed with them and tucked them in, the same as I do with my own son. I have fed them, made crafts with them, and played with them.

They are no different than my own son.

The only difference is they are not mine. I only get to see them for a little while. I do not know what happens when they return home. I hope that their parents realize their mistakes and vow to never make them again. I hope their parents acknowledge their children are their most important priority, and hold them a little bit tighter. Love them a lot more.

The bottom line is, its not the kids’ fault. They are born innocent, and they do not deserve to be punished for their parents’ mistakes.

May is Foster Parent Appreciation Month. If you know a foster parent, thank them. If you ever thought about it, call your local child protection agency and get more information. The kids need you.

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