Wednesday, May 04, 2011

So Real

If you know me well, you know that music rather rules my world. Some folks are like Al Pacino in the "Scent of a Woman"-where smell was everything. In college, my study devices were albums. At the beginning of the semester, I picked an album that would be my album for that class. For example, I decided one semester that Nine Inch Nails' Pretty Hate Machine was going to be my best friend for sadistics, I mean statistics. I would listen to it over and over, and at test time, I was able to recall material based on song. Head Like A Hole helped me to recall standard deviation and the ilk.

English Romantic Poets? Kate Bush

Cost Accounting? Metallica's Black Album

Even all these years later, songs bring back sonural memories. Some good, some bad, some jittery.

Whenever I hear Billy Joel's We Didn't Start the Fire, I am brought back to Modern European History.

Even after college, there are songs that evoke certain memories. For example, when I met the Big Guy, Bon Jovi was on the radio, and therefore that band=my love.
Then there is Jeff Buckley's Grace. It is one of those perfect albums. Every song is exisquisite, from the cover of Leonard Cohen's Hallejuah to the beautiful pleading of Lover, You Should Have Come Over.
The fact that Buckley died such a tragic death, so young makes this album even more poignant. What other masterpieces could we have expected from him? His songs came from that thin place-as the Celts call it-between heaven and earth, where spirits and humanity collide. 

Music is my memory on so many levels. Good times, bad times, times of being lost and found, times of sinning and times of grace.


K said...

Lovely post on so many levels...all of which being oh so true. What an ingenious way to study, pairing subjects with albums. I love your statistics slip. You are right about it though. It was hell for people like me who are so very very nonlinear beings.
Nicely written.

K said...

Lovely post on so many levels...all of which being oh so true. What an ingenious way to study, pairing subjects with albums. I love your statistics slip. You are right about it though. It was hell for people like me who are so very very nonlinear beings.
Nicely written.

Sheilagh Lee said...

my daughter introduced me to Jeff buckley's catolgue of music sure I'd heard one or two of his songs but she played more.My daughter loves all music and is always introducing me to some other artist something I didn't get to do when young(my mom was old fashion and only liked her music in the house)

VL Sheridan said...

My son is a fan of Jeff Buckley also. Music is such a strong anchor to our past. Great work.

Old Egg said...

What a great way to wend your way through life with albums and their tracks illustrating your life and work. Great Post.

LeiffyV said...

Ah, this made me remember some good times and also reminded me why I don't listen to some albums anymore. There are reasons why, the dark creatures like the darkness more *shuts the door quietly*

Great post, fantastic trip down memory lane! Thanks for sharing with us.

Susannah said...

I really enjoyed this.

You are right about music, just a song from a favourite album can whisk us back in time. How clever to use it to recall your studies! Brilliant idea. :-)

By the way I LOVE the header on your blog.

Unknown said...

Love the study tip and the statistics slip. That made me laugh. Great post!

rmpWritings said...

I admit I too have a thing for music... though I must say I'm impressed with idea that a song could help with standard deviation...had I only know!