Tuesday, January 03, 2012

The Christmas Song

We leave our decorations up until Epiphany (12th night), which is traditionally when the wise men visited Jesus and the holy family.
Now that the stress and strain of the holidays are behind us and we are back to normal, a brief recap of the holidays!
Little Man and the Children's choir at church kicked off the holiday season by singing the week before Advent started.
Following that, we had visits to Santa, a magical date with my husband as snow gently fell and lots of hot cocoa.
A child was spoiled.
Cookies were baked. As a counter to the spoiling, we delivered them to the less fortunate. We caroled to a family battling cancer. We sang at a local nursing home. We spread joy wherever we could.
Love came down at Christmas, and stayed.

1 comment:

The Blonde Duck said...

Popped in from SITS! Looks like you had a great Christmas!