I have been an accountant for over 20 years, so I obviously like numbers. Math was always my strong subject (even though I loved history and English more). A combination of my love of New Age stuff and numbers is numerology. Originally discovered by the great Greek mathematician, Pythagoras, it is a method of divination. According to numerology, each number holds particular attributes or gematria. There are different ways to calculate, but I use the Pythagorean.
- 1 = a, j, s,
- 2 = b, t,
- 3 = c, l, u,
- 4 = d, m,
- 5 = e, n, w,
- 6 = f, o, x,
- 7 = g, p, y,
- 8 = h, q, z,
- 9 = i, r,
based on Pythagorean Numerology, which is the original numerology and was created by the Greek philosopher and mathematician Pythagoras
- k = 11
- v = 22
From the website: http://www.spiritual-path.com/numerology.htm
Number 0 - Limitless, Unity, Nothingness, Boundless, Truth, Purity, Love, All, Alpha and Omega, Possibility, First Cause, Unmanifest, Breath of God, Unified Field, Source, Space, Consciousness, Cosmic Egg, God.
Number 1 - Beginning, New, Focused concentration, Goal-striving, Action, Independence, Originality, Courage, Invention, Leader, Self-reliant, Ambition, Pioneer, Will, Conscious Mind, Positive.
Number 2 - Duality, Division, Polarity, Choice, Gestation, Cooperation, Service, Harmony, Support, Waiting, Diplomacy, Patience, Psychic, Intuition, Adaptable, Empathic, Partnership, Mediator, Comparison, Receptive, Helper, Collecting, Reproduction, Balancer of Opposites, Subconscious Memory, Positive and Negative.
Number 3 - Trinity, Union of Divine plus Human, Manifestation, Positive, Negative and Neutral, Expression, Subconscious Mind/Imagination, Creative, Optimistic, Enthusiasm, Expressive, Charming, Humor, Fun, Attractive, Friendly.
Number 4 - Practical, orderly, patient, logical, hard-working, loyal, builder, steadfast, frugal, responsible, earthy, planner, materially creative, green thumb, even tempered.
Number 5 - Adventure, change, freedom, exploration, variety, sensuality, unattached, curious, experienced, periodicity, knowledge seeker, knowledge teacher, traveller, imagination, child-like, playful.
Number 6 - Harmony, beauty, nurturing, love, marriage, family, responsibility, understanding, sympathy, healing, empathic, perfectionist, order, duty, comfort, service.
Number 7 - Philosopher, sage, wisdom seeker, reserved, inventor, stoic, contemplative, aloof, deep-thinker, introspective, spiritual, faith, esoteric, exotic, unusual, hidden, seeking perfection, ethereal, other worldly, enigma.
Number 8 - Achievement, abundance, executive, strength, self-disciplined, power, success, authority, psychology, entrepreneur, intensity, supervisor, provider, grandeur, material manifestor.
Number 9 - Endings, completion, humanitarian, compassionate, romantic, selfless, generous, philanthropic, loving, wisdom, idealist, artistic, spiritual healer, all allowing, other worldly, blending
I find it intriguing that my life path number is 2, no matter how I play around with my name. I’ve calculated using my maiden name only, my married name only, both names and I always wind up with a 2. I am definitely am a 2. My husband is a 3, and that describes him, but not as succinctly as me being a 2.
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