Tuesday, July 08, 2014

By the light of the silvery moon

The waning moon is the phase following the full moon. It's divided into two phases: the waning gibbous and the waning crescent. It's considered a time of rest and restoration. During this phase, it's a good time to reflect on the past. I keep a journal and during these phases, I like to review it and see if I'm repeating a cycle or if a pattern of behavior is forming.

As the moon moves from full to new, it's time for release. It's a good time to give up bad habits. It's also perfect for ending bad relationships or walking away from toxic people. 

During the waning gibbous ( the phase after the full moon), it is the perfect time to:

review endeavors and correct mistakes. Settle disputes and make amends. A time to start taking things apart. Addictions; Divorce; Stress; Unnecessary negativity; Bad or unwanted Habits; Decision making; Emotions; Protection; Unwanted influences; Unwanted situations; Healing, banishing what shouldn’t be there; Old ways of thinking and doing things. Goals: Start work on removing obstacles. Give thanks for what has been achieved. Relates to the Harvest of the Grown Plant.

During the waning crescent you should:
Continue work from last phase. Good time to concentrate on removal of self from situations, relationships, and habits. Relates to the Storing of the Harvested Plant. A time to rid oneself of everything that is causing obstruction, to get rid of anything (or one) you know longer need. Good time for hair cuts to slow growth, dye hair, pluck eyebrows (wax ...)Time for self-analysis, rest an recuperation, meditation and readying oneself for the energies of the New Moon. The third quarter, Full Moon through Last Quarter, ideally brings illumination to the influences of the entire lunar cycle. The fourth quarter, called the "Last Quarter," is from the Moon square Sun aspect through the next New Moon. It can bring a crisis in consciousness. This cycle's experiences have culminated and one must now prepare for rebirth.

During the waning moon, I spend time in reflection as I meditate. I make lists of things I want to change and get myself prepared to set the next month's goals. During the waning crescent, I set aside time during my meditation practice to symbololically let go of what I need to.

You need:
A bowl of water
Pen & paper

Write out what you want to let go of. My list usually includes habits, emotions and (unfortunately) people (sometimes). 

When I'm done writing my list, I set it on fire and drop it into the bowl of water. I use the following from Leonie Dawson as my meditation script

We breathe and give thanks for all that has passed…
We let go and breathe releasing all that is old and no longer serves us…
We open up to the beautiful possibilities blossoming before us…
We radiate in light and joy…all is beautiful and all is well.

I watch the paper burn, and reflect on letting go of these burdens.

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