Sunday, July 13, 2014

Lips of an Angel

I fancy myself as an artistic, creative person. Heck, my twitter handle is Craftychicky, for a reason. I love making things and the whole artistic process.

However, it's not always consistent and I tend to go in bursts of that kinetic energy. Since I have been calling on archangel Jophiel, who is responsible did manifesting beauty and supporting artistic projects, I feel more inspired. 

I also call on her when I'm working on manifesting beauty, hope and joy. I envision golden light surrounding me and helping me right my ship when I don't exactly feel beautiful or joyful. 

Jophiel is also who I work with when I'm clearing the clutter in my life, both physical and metaphysical. I meditate, focusing on her before I tackle those big cleaning projects or when I am eliminating some of the distractions in my life. 

I love this guided meditation to use with her

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