Monday, February 02, 2015


Have you ever had one of the gut feelings when you meet someone or go somewhere? How about smelling flowers or some other scent that wasn’t there? Feeling a cool breeze when no breeze is present? All of these can be signs of clairsentience or clear feeling. Dogs seem to have amazing clairsentience-they pick up on a person’s or place’s vibe and either like or dislike them. There are a lot of people or places that give people the heebie jeebies or bad vibes.

My aunt wore a very distinct fragrance, Giorgio, for years. It was definitely her scent, like mine is a patchouli hippie dippie one. I used to pick on her about it because it was so strong. To be honest, after she passed away in 1989, I lost track of whether or not it’s still manufactured. Every so often, I can be somewhere and I get a whiff of it. Same with certain food smells-just out of a clear blue sky. I know a lot of police officers who call clairsentience their spidey sense. It’s like they are tuning into some cosmic radio and can sense things that others don’t.

I have a lot of clairsentient ability. There are situations that I have been in that I got one of those gut feelings that this was just bad news. The problem for me was I ignored those feelings or discounted them, and as a result, had a negative outcome. Sometimes I get that feeling that something bad is going to happen, and it does. I’m not predicting the future, I just get that spidey sense. It’s the same when I go certain places. I can walk into a place and my head will spin or I will feel nauseous. Even creepier are the times I feel I am being bathed in incredible sadness. I used to volunteer as a docent at the Washington Pavilion’s Visual Arts Center. One time I was leading a school group through a particular gallery and I felt like I was walking into a wall of sadness. I had never felt anything like that before. I was telling this story at my book group one night a few years later and someone told me that allegedly that was where a worker during the renovation was killed. Whatever the case, I didn’t like going into that particular space after my incident.

As I trust my gut more, I am avoiding a lot of negative things happening in my life. It may be I am picking up on warning signs of trouble, or it can be I just tune into my spidey sense. The Big Man still thinks that I am nuts, but I usually am not wrong.

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