Thursday, March 24, 2011

I'll sleep when I'm dead

Little man came into my room last night, and asked me to come sleep with him. He said he was having nightmares, and I could protect him. Awwww...

First time ever he asked that, by the way.

So, me being the most excellent mommy that I am, I did. I'm very congested right now, so I guess I was snoring a little. Everytime I snored, I got an 8 year old elbow-ING me in the ribs. Needless to say, not very pleasant or sleep conducive. Add to it, 2 people sharing a twin bed, one of those people being me. And a bright light on.

So, after the little man fell asleep I snuck my own bed.

Which had been invaded by animals & a husband. I guess the fact that i moved, I lost my place. I repositioned everyone & got into bed.

Next thing I know, bright light on overhead, and the big man is getting up & dressed. So...toss and turn, toss and turn, toss and turn until my alarm goes off. I hit snooze and I actually sleep. Deeply. Better than I had all night.

Too bad it was for 5 minutes.

Needless to say, I really didn't work out this morning. I kept hitting that snooze button.

When I finally rolled out of bed, I did get dinner started, and put up a load of laundry, so I was somewhat productive.

Tonights culinary pleasure: chicken stir fry.

Cooked chicken

Cooked rice

3 carrots shredded

1 bunch scallions, diced

1 c frozen peas

Teriyaki sauce

2 eggs

Spray a large saute pan or wok with cooking spray. Add carrots & scallions, saute 5-7 minutes. Add chicken. Heat through, add rice. Add teriyaki sauce & peas. Cook an additional 7 minutes. Move food to one side of pan, add egg. Scramble & incorporate into rice.

Serve hot!
homemade wontons

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