Sunday, June 15, 2014

Gabriel's Message

One of my favorite parts of the Annuciation story is the Archangel Gabriel appearing to Mary.

Artists throughout history have depicted this miraclous event, which is a great reminder how the Divine interacts with our lives. Gabriel is the messenger angel, depicted in white light.


 His role is to help with all communication. He is the angel who assists with communication, journalism, writing as well as adoption, conception and fertility.


The crystals and gemstones most associated with Gabriel are moonstone and clear quartz


His angelic day is Friday


When I sit down to write, even when I am journaling, I say a quick prayer to Gabriel. I aso work with Gabriel when I know I have a presentation to make or if I know I need to have a conversation where I need to communicate well. Gabriel is also who I go to when I get the phone call from DSS regarding a potential foster care placement.

I love Doreen Virtue's prayer to Gabriel:

Dear God and Archangel Gabriel, thank you for giving me the courage, focus, and motivation to write. Thank you for helping me hear true Divine messages that I can express through the written word.”

I use it whenever I work with him, with pretty awesome results. 

When I meditate on Gabriel-when I need guidance or assistance in his areas of expertise-I envision bright, white light surrounding me. I also found a great guided meditation on YouTube: that works well for me.

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